Swap homes with us?

We'd love to hear from you


Tenosique de Pino Suárez, TAB, Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico




We'd love to visit

Serendipity , Africa, Asia, Europa, Nordamerica, Oceania, Sudamerica

We are open to the following

Home swap, Hospitality exchange, Long term exchange (6 weeks or more)

People in our family who will be exchanging

2 adults

42' catamaran sail boat in sea of Cortez, Mexico. Sailing with us in sea of Cortez. Visit must be in April through May. We http://slow-mocean.blogspot.mx/2009/07/welcome.html go back to home in Seattle during summer months.

Boating / sailing, Fishing, Scuba diving / surfing, Walking / hiking, Sea / ocean, Air conditioning, Waterfront, Pet-free home, Smoke-free home, Use of boat, No pets please